Welcome to our website
We are a new start up company offering 3D modelling and related fabrication drawing production, using Autocad, 3D Plant, Bricscad, together with Q-Mech add on. Models and drawings are produced in DWG format but can be exported as
3D PDF: .pdf ACIS: .asab, .asat, .sab, .sat. CATIA v4: .model. CATIA v5: .CATPart, .CATProduct. IGES: .iges, .igs. STEP: .stp. VDA-FS: .vda. XCGM: .xcgm
Our aim is to provide you, the client, with a professional service at a reasonable price in the shortest possible time. We have been involved in the design and build project management of machinery, process pipework, pressure vessels and other plant related equipment for over 35 years.
We are based in Rapperswil-Jona, St Gallen, Switzerland but are available to support you from your offices worldwide if required.
We generally work from client specifications but can also assist in defining piping specifications and other engineering specifications together with your Engineers if required.